The short fiction film by Jan Bujnowski captivated the jury at the French Poitiers Film Festival and received two awards. The film received the Jury's Special Prize and the Manifest Prize.
Poitiers Film Festival is the most important French festival presenting student output and one of the major European festivals in this category. As every year, the event's program featured fiction films, documentaries, as well as animated and experimental films.
This year, The Devil by Jan Bujnowski from the Lodz Film School was among the films presented at the festival. It captivated both the audience and jurors who gave it as many as two awards: the Special Jury Prize (funded by the Nouvelle-Aquitaine region) and the Manifest Prize, which means including the film in the distribution catalogue for 3 years and distributing the film at festivals throughout the next year by the company Manifest.
In surveys on the religiousness of Poles conducted by the OBOP polling centre in the 1990s, the percentage of believers has always been around 95%. At the same time, the unemployment rate was also reaching record highs. The crisis reinforced the society's need for spirituality, which allowed things to happen that would not necessarily have been possible in any other era…
A list of all winners is available here.